tisdag 31 mars 2009

Daniel Schön In The Pan.

1: How old are you?
Hmm? 32 i think or 43, 23 maybe. I dont realy care.

2: Favorit trick on skate and snowboard?
on snowaboard its bs 180 to flat, no grabs god dammit.
And skate it has to be fakie heelflip fs bodievarial.

3: Best movie you ever saw?
White Fag you know that one with the dog.

4: Favorite skateboarder?
Bam Margera, Hawk, and all the Jackass crew skaters.

5: Last time we met you talked about a drink?
Yeah! "Bergsprängare" Its easy just mix 80% Jack D and 20% Jul or Påskmust. Teambeleaf 4 Evva! Peace.

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