måndag 22 februari 2010

Bc clip of the week

Danne, foppa and stefan helin doin some tricks last week, peace - fopps

lördag 20 februari 2010

It's very important to have jämn vikt!

Stuck on those heelflips and treys? take a look at Chris Åströms Edge TVs TRICK TIP!

Och kom ihåg, jämn vikt! / fopper

tisdag 16 februari 2010

Movie Time!

I know some Peoples from hillbillie town Lindesberg and these guys made i move with skateboard in it! Can you imagine? Sit down eat your popcorns and shut the fuck up and watch!


torsdag 11 februari 2010


Jorå så att jag, Leo o Michel ä i Texas o det ä fätt!!!
Följ chabraket på http://nordclothing.com, SUCKUS!!

ps. den här snubben bjöd oss på göttechöffe på stan ds.

tisdag 9 februari 2010

Fresh intervju and foppa spread in the new giftorm!

I know the update on the blogg has been slow but now when its 20+ in sweden and all snow is gone its sure going to be more action! Anyway

Get a copy of the new Giftorm issue, the Fresh article is awesome /foppa

f/s bluntHere: switch nosegrind tailgrab

lördag 6 februari 2010

Bc Banger Of The Day!

Smuts with a mega Fs nollie in the Bög!

Daniel Hallström & Martin Eklund dubble line.

Old pictures from 2005-2007